6:00pm – 6:10pm Welcome/Greeting 6:15pm – 6:20pm Prayer 6:20pm – 7:05pm Lesson 7:05pm – 7:15pm Closing Thoughts & Announcements |
RESOURCES (pdf files will open in a new tab)
Confirmation Goals Class Schedule 2020-21 Confirmation Service Project Form |
Lesson Videos/Connection Journals
- Videos/Workbook
Sunday Classes
Confirmation classes occur Sunday mornings during the Education hour (9:15AM-10:15AM) in the Fellowship Hall. We’ll study God’s Word and learn to apply Luther’s Small Catechism to our daily lives. Teachers will review the week's lesson and workbook pages. Students will have an opportunity to ask questions, clarify answers, and have an in depth discussion about the lesson. Students can join these classes via zoom using the link above.
Memory Work:
COMPLETED EACH WEEK AT HOME … Each week a Bible verse or Catechism passage is assigned in preparation for the upcoming lesson, and each student is expected to memorize the assigned verse or passage at home. Students can recite or write out the memory verse for their parents. Parents will initial completion on the check list in the student's folder.
Connection Journals:
TURNED IN EACH WEEK… Connection Journals can be reviewed or printed off of the CPH website each week following our Sunday morning lessons. These are for your families to walk through at least once throughout the week. When completed, parents can initial completion on the check list in the student's folder.
Confirmation classes occur Sunday mornings during the Education hour (9:15AM-10:15AM) in the Fellowship Hall. We’ll study God’s Word and learn to apply Luther’s Small Catechism to our daily lives. Teachers will review the week's lesson and workbook pages. Students will have an opportunity to ask questions, clarify answers, and have an in depth discussion about the lesson. Students can join these classes via zoom using the link above.
Memory Work:
COMPLETED EACH WEEK AT HOME … Each week a Bible verse or Catechism passage is assigned in preparation for the upcoming lesson, and each student is expected to memorize the assigned verse or passage at home. Students can recite or write out the memory verse for their parents. Parents will initial completion on the check list in the student's folder.
Connection Journals:
TURNED IN EACH WEEK… Connection Journals can be reviewed or printed off of the CPH website each week following our Sunday morning lessons. These are for your families to walk through at least once throughout the week. When completed, parents can initial completion on the check list in the student's folder.
Sermon Notes Book:
NOT TO BE TURNED IN … Sermon Notes books are to be used each week by your Confirmation Student during worship to take notes on the Sermon. The goal is to help our students to continue to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ through actively listening to God’s Word when it’s preached. Expect to assist your student in getting started for the first few sermons, however, they ought to be able to manage the process on their own quickly. Nevertheless, encourage your student by regularly asking them to share what they’ve heard and written, and celebrate what they’ve learned each week. For more ideas or examples on how to use the Sermon Notes book click here.
Worship Notes:
TURN IN 4… Take a few weeks and practice with the Sermon Notes book as your student gains confidence in actively listening to sermons. Then, have your son or daughter set the Sermon Notes book aside and fill out one of the five Worship Notes pages as they listen to the Sermon. Parents, please review these with your student before dropping them into the mailbox outside of Pastor Mark’s office. Worship Notes are due by the following dates:
1st October 25th
2nd December 27th
3rd February 21st
4th April 11th
>>>Download Worship Notes templates
Service Projects:
TURN IN 2… As Parents and as a church, we seek to teach our children the importance of serving others. Therefore, at First Lutheran, we see service as an essential part of Confirmation. As such, each student is to complete two Service Projects – the first by December 27th and the second by April 11th.
There are many ways in which students can serve at FLC and a list of some suggestions has been provided below. Once a Service Project has been completed, fill out one of the Confirmation Service Project Reflection forms and drop it in the mailbox outside of Pastor Mark’s office.
- Help an Elder set up Communion
- Help Ruth Circle members change the Paraments on the Altar
- Wash toys in the Tiny Disciples Room
- Help with yard work (mow, pull weeds, etc.) around the church building and surrounding property
- Volunteer to help serve food or clean up at a dinner
- Help with one of our Nursing Home Worship Services
- Help with Ushering or AV-ing
- Serve as an Aid in Kid’s Ministry or the Tiny Disciple’s Room
- Clean, pick up, and check supplies in Sanctuary, Kid’s Corner, and pews
- Help gather, cut out, or put together materials for Sunday School and Kid’s Ministry
If you would like to use one of these as your Service Project see Pastor Mark to get connected to the appropriate individual.
- Find a soup kitchen to help serve in
- Talk to a city official and ask about opportunities to serve (projects, painting, cleaning, etc.)
- Join a club in school that does service projects
- Visit a nursing home – help out or simply visit with residents
- Talk to your sports (or other) team about doing a project together
These are just a few examples! If you know of other ideas, go for it!
Download your service project
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