God has been moving in powerful ways at First Lutheran for more than 90 years. We believe He is calling us into an exciting chapter in the life our church. God is calling us to build FOUNDATIONS.
FOUNDATIONS is a two-year generosity effort that will stretch us. It is an opportunity for each of us to take our faith and place it in God's hands as we KNOW, GROW, and SHOW as His disciples. We believe the time is now.
FOUNDATIONS is a two-year generosity effort that will stretch us. It is an opportunity for each of us to take our faith and place it in God's hands as we KNOW, GROW, and SHOW as His disciples. We believe the time is now.
Vision Video Pastor Mark explains our Foundations generosity journey and the enhanced missions it can support. |
KNOW Long time member Judy Carlson offers her perspective on the FLC family, her experience with LWML, and the value of Bible study. Also, use the audio player below to listen as Dean Lovig shares insight into his own stewardship journey. |
GROW Preston & Lindsay Berggren share a new member perspective about the support FLC provides to their growing family. |
GENEROSITY Various members share their candid perspectives on generosity in their own words. |