Share your talents… Get Involved!
Check out the service options below. There’s more info and sign-up sheets on the BIG bulletin board across from the office. Training will be provided!
FLC Ambassador - Be part of the FLC welcoming team! Show extreme hospitality to individuals visiting FLC who are looking for a friendly church family.
Hospitality Host/Hostess - Help set-up/clean-up the narthex for our Sunday morning hospitality times… and smile - it’s that easy! :)
Offering Counter - Help count and deposit weekly offerings. You will be paired with a member of the Stewardship team to get started.
SonShine Preschool Prepper - Lend a hand to our preschool staff by helping prepare parts of our preschool activities. Tasks include cutting, sorting, etc.
Sunday School & Kids Ministry Volunteer - Teach or help in our Sunday School classes or Kids Ministry time on a rotation basis, about once/month. Sunday School meets Sunday mornings from 9:15-10:15. Kids Ministry meets each Sunday during the Message at the 10:30am worship service.
Tiny Disciples Volunteer - Tiny Disciples volunteers are needed to help our littlest disciples learn about the love of Jesus. For ages 0-2, the Tiny Disciples room is open on Sunday mornings during the Education Hour (9:15-10:15) and during the Message time of the 10:30am worship service.
A/V Tech - A/V techs “run” the screen presentations and sound board during both worship services on Sunday mornings. If you can push a space bar and adjust the volume on your car radio, you are completely qualified to be an A/V tech!
Lector - Serve by reading aloud the assigned Bible texts during the 8:00am service.
Usher - Provide assistance to worshipers each week through warm greetings, helpful guidance, and direction during communion.
Communion Assistant - Assist with communion distribution in worship.
Share your gifts… Donate Items!
Below is a list of items regularly needed for our ministry activities. Donations will be collected
through Feb. 28 and can be placed in the church office.
Pass on the LOVE this February…
Donations to our Preschool Tuition Assistance Fund and Good Samaritan Fund are appreciated. Both of these funds are used to provide temporary assistance to struggling families. Checks should be made out to “First Lutheran” and placed in a “SHARE THE LOVE” envelope. Envelopes may be placed in the offering plate. Donations will be collected through Feb. 28, and will be deposited at that time.
Check out the service options below. There’s more info and sign-up sheets on the BIG bulletin board across from the office. Training will be provided!
FLC Ambassador - Be part of the FLC welcoming team! Show extreme hospitality to individuals visiting FLC who are looking for a friendly church family.
Hospitality Host/Hostess - Help set-up/clean-up the narthex for our Sunday morning hospitality times… and smile - it’s that easy! :)
Offering Counter - Help count and deposit weekly offerings. You will be paired with a member of the Stewardship team to get started.
SonShine Preschool Prepper - Lend a hand to our preschool staff by helping prepare parts of our preschool activities. Tasks include cutting, sorting, etc.
Sunday School & Kids Ministry Volunteer - Teach or help in our Sunday School classes or Kids Ministry time on a rotation basis, about once/month. Sunday School meets Sunday mornings from 9:15-10:15. Kids Ministry meets each Sunday during the Message at the 10:30am worship service.
Tiny Disciples Volunteer - Tiny Disciples volunteers are needed to help our littlest disciples learn about the love of Jesus. For ages 0-2, the Tiny Disciples room is open on Sunday mornings during the Education Hour (9:15-10:15) and during the Message time of the 10:30am worship service.
A/V Tech - A/V techs “run” the screen presentations and sound board during both worship services on Sunday mornings. If you can push a space bar and adjust the volume on your car radio, you are completely qualified to be an A/V tech!
Lector - Serve by reading aloud the assigned Bible texts during the 8:00am service.
Usher - Provide assistance to worshipers each week through warm greetings, helpful guidance, and direction during communion.
Communion Assistant - Assist with communion distribution in worship.
Share your gifts… Donate Items!
Below is a list of items regularly needed for our ministry activities. Donations will be collected
through Feb. 28 and can be placed in the church office.
- Copy paper, white - 20 lb or greater
- Cardstock, white and multi-colored - 65 lb or greater
- Mailing & Shipping labels, white - Avery 5160 (1x2 5/8) & Avery 5163 (2x4)
- Cups, plastic & styrofoam - plastic (5 oz) and styrofoam (8 oz up to 12 oz)
- Plates, foam & paper - small
- PlasticWare (knives, forks & spoons), Napkins & Paper Towels
- “Stock” items for hospitality table - granola bars, peanut butter crackers, coffee, creamer, sugar, fruit snacks, pretzels, oatmeal packets, cereals, Chex mix, etc.
Pass on the LOVE this February…
Donations to our Preschool Tuition Assistance Fund and Good Samaritan Fund are appreciated. Both of these funds are used to provide temporary assistance to struggling families. Checks should be made out to “First Lutheran” and placed in a “SHARE THE LOVE” envelope. Envelopes may be placed in the offering plate. Donations will be collected through Feb. 28, and will be deposited at that time.